Acest site este cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013

Detalii companie: GENPACT


Bdul Dimitrie Pompei nr 9-9A, Iride Business Park, Cladirea 19, sector 2

Domenii în care activează
  • Contabilitate
  • IT
  • Call center. Relații cu clienți
  • Servicii resurse umane
  • Cluj-Napoca
  • București
Website & Social Media

Descriere companie

Genpact is the largest international provider of business services in Romania for global customers.
Genpact(NYSE: G)stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform and run intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. The result is advanced operating models that make our clients more competitive as they help them grow and manage cost, risk and compliance across a range of functions such as finance and procurement, financial services account servicing, claims management, regulatory affairs and industrial asset optimization. Our Smart Enterprise Processes (SEPSM) proprietary framework helps companies reimagine how they operate by integrating effective Systems of EngagementSM,core IT and Data-to-Action AnalyticsSM. Our hundreds of long-term clients include more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500. We have grown to over 67,000 people in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office in New York City. Our global critical mass doesn’t dilute our flexible and collaborative approach and our management team still drives client partnerships personally. We generate impact quickly because of our business domain expertise and experience running complex operations, driving our focus on what works and making transformation sustainable. Clients attribute much of our success to our unique history: behind our passion for process and operational excellence is the Lean and Six Sigma heritage of a former General Electric division that has served GE businesses for more than 16 years. For additional information, visit or Follow Genpact on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.